Before engaging with our website, it is imperative to thoroughly comprehend the stipulations delineated herein. Your utilization of this website signifies your unreserved agreement with these terms.

Should you opt to peruse our online emporium on this website, you tacitly consent to these terms upon making a purchase, booking a service, or enrolling in training sessions with us.


These stipulations govern the sale of all merchandise (‘Products’) by Polished Anils and Beauty (‘us’, ‘we’, ‘our’), whether conducted via our website at https://whatgorgeous.com (our ‘Site’) or through social media platforms. In the event of purchasing Products as a consumer (i.e., for personal use, not for resale or commercial purposes) (‘Consumer’), your statutory rights remain intact.

1.1 Order and Contract

Your placement of an order represents an offer to procure the selected Products. However, this action obliges you solely to payment, with no reciprocal obligation for us to supply said Products. Upon receipt of your order, we will dispatch an email (or emails) acknowledging its reception and detailing the order specifics (including relevant charges). These emails serve merely as confirmatory notices, not as acceptances of your order.

A contractual relationship (‘Contract’) between you and us shall materialize only upon (i) our express written acceptance of your order or (ii) the dispatch of ordered Products to you (‘Acceptance’ or ‘Accepted’). Each Contract pertains exclusively to the Products we have Accepted. We retain the discretion to accept or reject orders at our sole discretion.

Your Legitimacy

By placing an order, you affirm that you possess the requisite authorization to enter into legally binding agreements with us, without contravening any laws or obligations to third parties. If you are an individual, you assert and verify that you are at least 18 years old and commit to using the Products strictly in accordance with our guidelines and any stipulations provided by the Product manufacturer.

Orders for adhesives or adhesive-containing Products are solely accepted from duly qualified professionals (‘Professionals’ as defined in clause 7). Should you place an order for such Products, you confirm your professional status and agree to adhere rigorously to our stipulations, including those outlined on our Site and in clause 7 below.

Our Identity

We are an US entity, headquartered at 301 Pruitt Rd, Apt 516 Spring Spring, TX 77380.


Reimbursement shall not ensue in the eventuality of local or national constraints resulting in business cessation or disturbance. Nonetheless, a complimentary course rescheduling to an alternate date shall be extended.

Usual terms and conditions hold sway.

Attainability and Conveyance

6.1 Your purchase shall be consummated sans undue procrastination and by any stipulated delivery date accorded by us or, in the absence of such date, within 30 days subsequent to our Acceptance of your purchase. Conveyance shall transpire to the designated delivery locale indicated upon submission of your purchase.

6.2 In the event of delay in conveyance, we shall not be held liable for any detriment or harm sustained by you due to reasonable or inevitable delay in conveyance. Our endeavor is to dispatch commodities within 48 business hours post-order and payment. Conveyance dates and durations are non-guaranteed as delays may arise from circumstances beyond our purview.

6.3 Should you decline receipt of your purchase on grounds under the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (‘Regulations’) or you fail to accept delivery due to cancellation of your Contract under the Regulations, reimbursement or re-crediting shall be effected for any sum remitted by you or debited from your credit card for the Products pursuant to clause 10 below.

6.4 Upon receipt of your purchase, you may be solicited to authenticate receipt of the Products. Should the parcel appear to be in substandard condition, kindly rebuff receipt. If you are unable to vet the contents of the delivery, ensure to endorse the parcel as “unchecked” upon receipt.

Bonding Agents – Solely for Proficient Application

7.1 Bonding agents are Commodities that harbor potential personal harm if not judiciously employed or applied by duly qualified experts. To qualify as proficient in this context, you must (i) possess a certificate of proficiency in individual eyelash extensions, and (ii) exhibit proficiency and erudition in the utilization and application of all eyelash extension products, and (iii) be fully indemnified concerning the aforementioned utilization and application of eyelash products and bonding agents.

7.2 We shall solely dispense bonding agents to experts and necessitate evidence (to our satisfaction) from any party ordering such Commodities to substantiate the following: pertinent eyelash extension qualification, adherence to all pertinent standards and requisites, as well as aptitude to judiciously apply bonding agents. Failure to furnish such particulars shall preclude supply of the bonding agent ordered. If we harbor any misgivings regarding your proficiency and compliance, we reserve the prerogative to omit the bonding agent Product from your purchase and/or annul any purchase effected by you.

7.3 Without prejudice to the provisions delineated in clause 7.2 above, you pledge and affirm to utilize any bonding agent Products as follows:

(a) Preliminary to proceeding, you shall conduct a meticulous and exhaustive client consultation wherein potential contraindications shall be ascertained. The consultation dossier must be endorsed by both technician and client, with duplicates subject to request at any juncture. A patch test is obligatory and its outcome recorded.

(b) In the event of any contraindications being discerned or indicated, you shall furnish the material safety data sheet to the client’s GP and procure endorsement from the GP before proceeding further with the client consultation or treatment. This encompasses recent laser eye correction, eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis, recent semi-permanent make-up or facial surgery.

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